How To Play PSP Download Games

Like many others who bought the PSP games from the original retail, you’ll realize that the game will be completed, the purchase of new games seems to be inaccessible and expensive. What can I do if I want to continue to play new or old games on my PSP console? I will begin the search and search site that offers free games for PSP.

Once you’ve downloaded the PSP games on my console, how to download and play PSP games was my next question. I’m not sure exactly how it works when you load a new PSP game on PSP, but certainly have found the answer, although I was looking for. As I struggle and dealing with this issue as to download and play PSP games on my device, and many other people also have the same problem.

I hope that this right for all to download and play PSP games, because I have exactly the same way here to play on my console. Before you begin, I PSP with firmware of the device with 1 / 5 and Sony PSP
compatible with Memory Stick Pro Duo.

As he was going to download game PSP, games for the correct version of firmware, but will not work. The new firmware is available to all on the official site of PSP. Most PSP games improvised works with firmware 1.5 and below, as new firmware update is trying to block people from home games. Make sure that the game that ends in downloading PSP PSP simply because the files are compatible with Sony PSP unit.

And to update the firmware at any time, you need to download a new version of the game compatible with the firmware. Otherwise, error messages such as “data intact,” or “The game does not start, will be displayed on-screen PSP.

Once, PSP games downloaded to connect PSP to the computer using the USB cable for the PSP. Change your PSP to PSP mode by pressing the “Home” button. Next scroll left to the “settings” column and scroll down to “USB Connection”. Click the “X” for the PSP in USB mode.

To download games on your PSP consoles, games must be downloaded and copied to the correct folder for the game to work. A correct path PSP> playing field for all PSP games, in order to function normally. If “PSP” and “games” folder is not available on the PSP Memory Stick, you must manually create a folder containing the folder names in capital letters.

Once you’ve finished downloading or transferring games on the PSP Memory Stick, you can use your PSP to the computer. On the PSP main menu, select “Game” column on your Sony PSP, and continue to scroll down to the Memory Stick. Click the “X”, and a list of game files on the screen. Scroll down and you can see the games you just installed.

Click the “X” to reaffirm their choice and play games on the PSP. I tried to practice these steps so often in my PSP and it works for everyone. He hoped that work for your console as well.

Marcus Rolland is a PSP enthusiast, For more information about how to download PSP games to test If you need information from articles on the PSP music, software, PSP, games, PSP and more. ..

Download Free PSP Themes

Are you looking for your PSP free themes? Almost everyone wants your PSP with themes, wallpapers, and skins. Topics PSP lets you customize your unique personality. Indeed, setting PSP is very similar to your PC wallpaper.

One of the best ways to find free PSP theme is to simply turn to Google and type “free PSP themes.” There are thousands of websites offering free downloads on the PSP.

You can also search forums and news groups. These good place to find custom PSP topic. Community sites, as DeviantArt have an incredible collection of PSP themes, the members of the site.

Or, if you really want to find creative, why not just a program on your computer graphics and design their own themes. When you save a file in JPEG, you must be consistent.

There are some things that you should beware when searching for subjects for the PSP.

First, stay away from Sony PSP website. Many people think that this is the best place to go, but in fact you will not find many original topic here. Most of the issues that are very old and already thousands of downloads. You have a lot of good topics, but if you’re looking for something unique, this is not the place to go.

Also do not forget and stay away from the torrent sites. They are full of spyware, adware, as well as corrupted files. In addition, the torrent sites to place the computer at the risk of leakage of personal information. I avoid these sites at any cost.

If you want to download a lot of points for the PSP along with free unlimited access to millions of PSP download games, movies, music and TV broadcast.

Free PSP Themes download – FAQ

So many of our own PSP games today that many of them are looking for ways to make them a unique look. One way to do this is to download a theme for your PSP. This is a smart way to personalize the device, and they show your style.

Here, frequently asked questions, download a free PSP themes.

FAQ # 1: What is a PSP theme?

: PSP theme is the general appearance of the screen on your PSP unit. It contains mainly two things: Wallpaper icon and styles. There are thousands of themes for your PSP unit. Given all these options and issues that so readily available, most people do not want to pay for your stay with flowers, with the console PSP, when they bought it.

FAQ # 2: Why should I?

A: In the PSP following in a long series of cool consumer goods in recent decades, aimed at hip young people (or hip any) for the purchase – and the use of hell – including Skateboards, surfboards, Walk-Man, Home Video Gaming systems, pagers, cellular phones and iPods. Just like all the other great these popular items, PSP console even more attractive if users can customize them in any form. Download new themes for your PSP unit is another possibility to create your own unique style and item that you love to use.

FAQ # 3: Should I pay for a new topic?

A: No! Here you will find topics for free on the Internet. One of the best ways to do this is that any number of online PSP network of sites where you can not only free themes, but also free games, music and video on your PSP unit. Of course, you pay a small, one-time fee, but then literally a lifetime. All available issues, and that the creation of something new in the future, can be downloaded directly from these sites.

Question number 4: Can I use my own theme?

A: Yes! For instance, Sony PSP has a theme of creating useful software. She is free to use, and it can even create their own themes and characters. You can download the program for the development of children, on Google. Before we go down this path, to realize that if you personally talented designer or just want a relatively simple matter for your console, it is difficult to compete with some of the spirit strikes topics can be obtained from professional designers. Nevertheless, it is worth free software from Sony.

Question number 5: How to change the subject on my PSP console?

A: Once you’ve downloaded a new theme or create your own, you through the process of referring the matter to the PSP. At the highest level, this means: 1 load or the creation of the topic, 2 Right topic folders on your computer, and 3 of the initial transfer from your PSP unit. Here are a few good textbook for this process the video on YouTube.

PSP handheld console entertainment mega-center, video, music and games. Now you can get it even better to have fun in your topic now and then helping you with your own style.

Here some great source of free downloadable psp themes :

Free psp themesFree Download PSP themes -XMB,CTF,PTF- psp themes. Free PSP Themes try to provide the latest favorite Downloadable PSP Themes,

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NervOS 2.2 – Homebrew developers Pirata Nervo

News from Homebrew developers Pirata Nervo. They has update NervOS application to 2.2 for the QJ 2008 PSP Homebrew Competition and so on the Internet. For you who do not know what this application, NervOS is a powerful shell application that’s similar to IR Shell. It allows the PSP to play music, photos, games and run PRX news or plug-ins. Nervous has been updated with several new features and some bug fixes.

Full list of changes in v2.2 :

* nosautoboot.prx: now it is more stable (both autoboot plugins) and fixed a problem that caused the XMB to not load sometimes.
* System Info: Free Ram uses a different function now.
* Unpacker: Added unrar support
* Unpacker: Added 7z support
* When typing your password in log in (not in recovery), it shows the password as *
* Adhoc File Transfer
* NervOS Configurator: Now opens the file browser when you choose the font option.
* NervOS Configurator: Now opens the file browser when you choose the user image option.
* Picture Viewer: added GIF support (animated GIF’s too, maybe not all gif’s are displayed right (specially the black and white colors))
* Picture Viewer: added BMP support (16 bit BMP can be loaded but may not be displayed correctly. 24 bit BMP files are displayed correctly. 32 bit may not be loaded or displayed correctly)
* Picture Viewer: fixed 1 bug
* Increased compatibility with PRX plugins
* File Browser: Fixed 2 bugs and 1 typo
* NervOS Installer: remade the graphics and added some sounds
* NervOS Configurator: when changing theme, does not restart anymore.
* USBHostFS: No need for UMD discs anymore when you want to play an ISO (if no UMD is inserted, it uses OE Isofs)
* Added 3 new icons under applications: NetHostFS, Unpacker, Adhoc File Transfer
* File Browser: Added usbhostfs0 and nethostfs0 to root directory so you can navigate through there.
* File Browser: Added “Send file via Adhoc” in tools window
* ISO Browser: fixed bug when reading ICON0.PNG.

Screen shot :

You can download it here . But be sure to read the PDF file included in download.

The simpsons PSP theme

simpsons PSP theme

How to install The simpsons theme :

Upload your .ptf file to X:/PSP/THEME/ directory/folder then select your recenty added theme in Settings > Theme Settings.

Download The simpsons PSP theme :