PSP Demos Guide

This is a guide for how to put demos on your psp, I know the majority of you will know
how to do this but for the new population of psp owners this ones for you!

Step 1) The first thing you will need is a psp demo, if you have already found one of have on that you like then skip to step 2, if you haven’t yet got a psp demo then Find psp demos at this site we have got loads of cool psp demos here

Step 2) Now you have got your psp demo we can progress, you will need to connect your psp to your computer, so insert your mini usb cable into your psp and computer and on your psp navigate to settings then press x on usb connection.

Step 3) Your psp should be connected to your computer now, so now go back onto your computer and click start then go to my computer. Once your on my computer you should see your psp under devices with removable storage.

Step 4) Right click on your psp and click open, now your inside all your psp files and folders. There should be lots of folders including a GAME folder. If you have got a GAME folder then skip to step 6. If not carry on with this tutorial.

Step 5) If you don’t have a GAME folder then click file then click new and now click folder. Rename this folder GAME in caps locks. Once you have successfully created a GAME folder move onto step 6.

Step 6) OK so now we should all have the psp/GAME folder in front of us open it up by right clicking it and selecting open. Now you will need to find the demo you downloaded in step 1.

Step 7) Once you have located your psp demo you will need to copy it into the GAME folder on your psp, to do this right click the demo folder and select copy. Now go back to your psp GAME folder and right click paste.

Step 8) Wait for the demo to copy over this shouldn’t be move than 1 minute, now it has copied over safely remove your psp from your computer and unplug the usb cable.

Step 9) Now the demo is on your psp, so all you have to do is on your psp scroll to the game menu, now scroll down to the bottom and select the memory card icon now your psp demo should be located there.